Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Night Walk Men // Excerpt from a new novel...

There are two things I'd like to share today.

First, a sneak peek at an opening chapter from the premier long novel in The Night Walk Men series which will be titled The Devil's Right Hand. As some of you may know, it's slated for release this year and is in the editing stage.

You've already met Donnie Lo, holed up in a basement apartment in Vancouver's notorious downtown east side. Now behold another main player in Devil: Benton Garamond. He's looking to get into a tight space where he has no business being. And what's this? He's out trolling the bars one wet evening to see if he can score access to one of those tight spaces.

EDIT: Feb 23, 2012, 3:00 PM

Thanks to everyone for sharing news of the excerpt. It's been removed now but garnered close to 1800 visits since it was shared on Saturday. Come and visit again. I hope to post more excerpts and fun freebies regarding the new novel.

The above excerpt will disappear this week so enjoy it while it lasts. 

The second thing I want to share is news of a completely new short story set in The Night Walk universe. This one's called Kro. Yes, that's the name of it. I cannot lie to you. It's a short based on an intriguing companion character who, like the others, "walks at night and when the rains come." Sperro, our undying narrator, counts on Kro for some of the dirtiest work that a Night Walker can handle. And trust me when I tell you she is an expert at handling it. 

The story is set inside the novel and, for all intents, could have remained there. It exists in the same narrative world and timeline and involves Kro and another character who is pivotal in The Devil's Right Hand. Look for the story, Kro, coming to ebook stores soon!

Hope you enjoy the lil distractions and would love to hear your thoughts on the upcoming expansion to The Night Walk world.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Behind The Words // John Lindensmith

My guest this week is John R. Lindensmith, a young author I met via the web. John's work sounds disturbing and what I like about his guest post is that he shows it's never too early to get started writing, sharing one's work, and publishing. Take it away, John...

My name is John R. Lindensmith. I am a 22-year-old self-published author from West Fargo, North Dakota. I just published my second novel Hell, which chronicles teenage self-destruction in a small North Dakota town. The story is a cross between The Rules of Attraction, American Psycho, and Carrie.

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